About Us

The New Brunswick Chiropractors Association works to empower and support NB chiropractors as leaders in neuromusculoskeletal health. 



Our members are trusted spine, muscle and nervous system experts who work to help improve patients’ pain, function and quality of life. Licensed chiropractors must be graduates of an accredited college or university, and have successfully completed the national licensing exams.

The chiropractic profession is regulated in all ten Canadian provinces. In New Brunswick, chiropractic was first legislated in 1958.


NBCA Leadership & Representatives

We work to support our members and patients locally, but have also built strong relationships with other chiropractic associations and stakeholders from across the country.

Our current board members and key representatives are:


Current Board Members

President: Dr. Ryan Coster 

Vice President: Dr. Max Pollack

Secretary: Dr. Kayla Mayberry

Treasurer: Dr. Dave Dunnett

Member-at-Large: Dr. John Neal

Member-at-Large: Dr. Majorie Duguay


Past President: Dr. Norm Skjonsberg

Public Representative: Mrs. Justine Estey

Chief Executive Officer and Registrar: Dr. Kelsey Nissen

Member Services Coordinator: Ms. Nicole Baldwin


National Representatives and Committee Chairs

Canadian Chiropractic Association (CCA) 

Dr. Matt Williams

Federation of Canadian Chiropractic Representative
Dr. Kelsey Nissen
Complaint Committee Chair
Dr. Max Pollack

Quality Assurance Committee Chair
Dr. Kayla Mayberry

External Affairs Committee Chair
Dr. Ryan Coster

Internal Affairs Committee Chair
Dr. John Neal
If you have questions or would like more information about the New Brunswick Chiropractors Association or our members, please contact us